Mechanical permits
On the basis of the pre-plans and concept plans provided or prepared, we undertake the preparation of construction and start-up permit plans, documentation and participation in the licensing processes, as well as the full implementation, technical supervision and feasibility studies of the planned equipment.
Environmental permits
The performance of most economic activities that affect or burden the environment, as well as the installation of a structure / equipment intended for installation or the construction of a facility / building, requires the approval of the Environmental Protection Authority, which supervises the activity. The purpose of the permitting process is to ensure that the tasks performed to achieve the economic objective are carried out within a regular framework, in compliance with the relevant regulations and rules.
Complex authorization
- Integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC)
- Environmental review
- Environmental impact assessment
- Preliminary inspection, environmental permit
Waste management permits, regulations
- Registration or licensing of waste trade and brokering
- Waste collection permit
- Waste shipment permit
- Waste pre – treatment permit
- Waste recovery permit
- Waste disposal permit
- Waste export-import
- International waste shipment
- Certification license (for public service providers)
- Public utility waste management plan
- Reclamation plan
- Factory collection point regulations
- Waste management facility operating regulations
Water management permits
- Water permit in principle
- Water right establishment permit
- Water operating license
- Water right survival permit
- Water cancellation permit
- Self-monitoring plans
- Sewage discharge permit
- For our customers, we prepare the documentation related to the approval of water supply wells, monitoring systems, wastewater treatment systems, oil traps and rainwater drainage systems, as well as the regulations necessary for operation.

Air quality protection permits
- Point / Diffuse source permission
- VOC, heat generation equipment above 140 kWH
Noise permits
- Noise emission permits
- Strategic noise maps
- Definition of noise boundaries
Performing and coordinating remediation tasks. Fact-finding, determining the extent of pollution. Development of initiation procedures with design, construction and operation.
- Preparation and full implementation of the remediation intervention plan
- Compilation of final remediation documentation
- Damination. monitoring documentation
- Operation of remediation monitoring system
Nature conservation permits
We undertake the full implementation of the permitting procedure for activities carried out in protected natural areas and Natura 2000 areas, from the compilation of the permit application to the acquisition of the permit.
When do you need a conservation permit?
The procedure for authorization of activities in a protected natural area is necessary in the following cases:
- Permit of logging during the growing season
- Permission to carry out research, collection and experimentation
- Permit of the breaking, refurbishment, planting, irrigation, grazing and mowing of grassland
- Allow the restoration, nature, and use of an area.
- Purpose of land that does not qualify as arable land, permission to change the cultivation branch of arable land
- Permitting the felling and installation of wood, groups of trees, rows of trees, wood on woody pastures
- Permit for the burning, extermination, harvesting of reeds and other aquatic vegetation, burning of grassland and fallow, stubble and straw and the ignition of fires in forest areas, with the exception of designated and constructed fire pits.
- Authorisation of the use of plant protection products, bioregulators and other exterminators and chemicals affecting soil fertility.
- Allow fishing.
- Allow the organisation of community and mass sporting events, sports competitions and the pursuit of technical sporting activities.
- Authorisation of driving by vehicle.
- Allow access to a highly protected natural area.
In the case of the relevant topographical numbers included in Decree No. 14/2010.(V.11.) KvVM (Ministry of Environmental Protection and Water Management) on parcels of land interested by nature conservation areas of European Community-level importance, the activity changing the status of any area may be carried out only on the basis of prior notification or authorisation in particular in the case of recovery permits and activities related to farming work.
The authorisation procedure for activities in natura 2000 areas not considered to be protected natural areas is necessary in the following cases:
Allow lawns to be broken, sown, turned into tree plantings.
- Allow area recovery.
- Allow the installation and felling of wood, tree groups, rows of trees.
- Community and mass sports event licensing.
- Allow reed eradication.
- Allowing grazing from 31 October to 23 April.
Activities carried out professionally with dangerous substances or dangerous mixtures may be started with a safety data sheet containing details of the substance or mixture used or other activities in accordance with the instructions for use.
Together with translation, we undertake to create data sheets for different products.
Chemical risk assessment (Risk assessment of dangerous substances / mixtures)
Risk assessment of hazardous substances/mixtures, which is part of the workplace risk assessment. All undertakings with substances/mixtures classified as dangerous (manufacture, marketing, use, etc.) are obliged to have chemical risk assessment documentation prepared.
Review every 3 years.
Biological risk assessment
Documentation also forms part of workplace risk assessment in workplaces where staff are employed and there is a risk of infectious diseases in the course of the activity (e.g. waste transport, treatment, health activities, food production, livestock farming, etc.).
Review annually.
Develop complex HACCP systems for food activities review every 2 years.
Legionella risk assessment
Operators of priority facilities (e.g. health and social facilities, commercial accommodation, public baths, etc.) and any organisation operating a public installation with a device or system containing water at temperatures between 20 and 50°C, the use of which produces an aerosol and in which legionella bacteria are capable of living and multiplying (e.g. pool, water cooler, humidification aeronautical equipment, showers, fountain, etc.) to assess the risk of infection caused by legionella bacteria.
Frequency of evaluation review: annually, but at least in the event of a change in the operation of each risk medium. Changes in risk medium may include, but are not limited to, the re-construction of the system or major personnel changes (e.g. change of operator).
In the case of areas and equipment affected by Legionella control (eg cooling towers, etc.), we undertake to compile professional documentation.
Construction permit
- Construction permit in principle
- Construction permit
- Permission to use
- Maintenance permit
- ÉMI authorizations
- Permitting of demolition work
Other permissions
- Permitting the use of arable land for other purposes
- Conducting a site licensing procedure
- Metal trade license
- Environmental plan chapter for construction permit
- Fire permits