Green company, Secure future

Nature protection

We undertake the full implementation of the authorisation procedure for activities carried out in a protected natural area or Natura 2000 site, from the preparation of the application for authorisation to the obtaining of the permit.

When do you need a conservation permit?

The procedure for authorization of activities in a protected natural area is necessary in the following cases:

  • Permit of logging during the growing season
  • Permission to carry out research, collection and experimentation
  • Permit of the breaking, refurbishment, planting, irrigation, grazing and mowing of grassland
  • Allow the restoration, nature, and use of an area.
  • Purpose of land that does not qualify as arable land, permission to change the cultivation branch of arable land
  • Permitting the felling and installation of wood, groups of trees, rows of trees, wood on woody pastures
  • Permit for the burning, extermination, harvesting of reeds and other aquatic vegetation, burning of grassland and fallow, stubble and straw and the ignition of fires in forest areas, with the exception of designated and constructed fire pits.
  • Authorisation of the use of plant protection products, bioregulators and other exterminators and chemicals affecting soil fertility.
  • Allow fishing.
  • Allow the organisation of community and mass sporting events, sports competitions and the pursuit of technical sporting activities.
  • Authorisation of driving by vehicle.
  • Allow access to a highly protected natural area.


In the case of the relevant topographical numbers included in Decree No. 14/2010.(V.11.) KvVM (Ministry of Environmental Protection and Water Management) on parcels of land interested by nature conservation areas of European Community-level importance, the activity changing the status of any area may be carried out only on the basis of prior notification or authorisation in particular in the case of recovery permits and activities related to farming work.

The authorisation procedure for activities in natura 2000 areas not considered to be protected natural areas is necessary in the following cases:

  • Allow lawns to be broken, sown, turned into tree plantings.
  • Allow area recovery.
  • Allow the installation and felling of wood, tree groups, rows of trees.
  • Community and mass sports event licensing.
  • Allow reed eradication.
  • Allowing grazing from 31 October to 23 April.


1094 Budapest, Marton u. 10.



+36 70 776 4658


Monday - Friday: 9 am - 6 pm


We will respond to your request within 24 hours, contact us with confidence!