R&D design

RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT, THE KEY TO THE FUTURE R&D DESIGN R&D and innovation processes are of paramount importance in increasing the competitiveness of companies. R&D can have a productivity-enhancing effect through the innovation system. I REQUEST A QUOTE...

Design of aquatic instllations

FROM WELLS TO WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS DESIGN OF AQUA­TIC INSTL­LATI­ONS We undertake the complex design of water supply wells and monitoring systems, wastewater treatment systems, oil trapping equipment and storm drainage systems for our customers. I...

Mechanical design

SPECIAL SOLUTIONS MEC­HA­NI­CAL DESIGN Our company provides its customers with services that cover the entire spectrum of mechanical engineering design with the help of state-of-the-art 3D software. Using state-of-the-system design tools, our company offers fast,...

Complex generates design

DESIGN OF PRODUCTION AND FACTORY HALLS, LOGISTICS WAREHOUSES COMPLEX GE­NE­RA­TES DESIGN We perform complex general planning tasks for our clients. Our construction permit and construction plans are carried out in full with the involvement of industry...

Environmental Protection

EVERYTHING ABOUT ENVI­RON­MEN­TAL PRO­TEC­TION We are committed to the environment tasks of our company with our experienced experts, including the implementation of the design and implementation tasks related to the subject. If you have any...